Friday, July 18, 2008


This layout was my submission for the Desgn Team. I love the photos of my Great Nieces. They bring so much joy to our family. My inspiration for this layout came from a great book called Page Maps.

A Scrapping Challenge

If you don't already know, I have been named to the Design Team at "A Scrap Affair". Our first assignment was to have our photo taken in black and white to appear on the website (Scary thought). Thanks Alicia for a great photograph. Now I have to include the photo in a 5x7 on a layout to be displayed in the store (Super Scary Thought). I will admit that I think I do have some skill as far as scrapping but in my opinion, the other design team members have skills that far outway mine. So to have a layout on the wall next to the other talent is what I will call a little intimidating. I have an idea in my head but it doesn't look the same once I get it on paper. I am critical of my own abilities as I am sure some of you can relate to. My goal today is to get that layout finished. We'll see how that goes.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Blogging--thought about it, forgot about it. I really didn't want to learn something new that was going to require more of my time. But, here I am with my first post to my BLOG. Okay, I thought about it again and decided to give it a try. It does seem like a good idea. For those of you that remember the old Videotel system. Before we all had computers, you could sign up, get a monitor and visit with people much like we do today with instant messaging and blogs. I was addicted to that monitor. I think that explains alot about me. I have a compulsive nature which is why I have so many scrapbook supplies. If one is good then ten is better. I have supplies everywhere, so many that I am purging this week to get ready for a scrapbook garage sale at "A Scrap Affair" on July 26th. Stop by if you have time and help me rid myself of some of the supplies that are trying to get out of the scrap room upstairs. They really want to adorn your scrapbook pages!